10 Essential Fluorite Specimens to Add to Your Mineral Collection

10 Essential Fluorite Specimens to Add to Your Mineral Collection

The Top 10 Varieties of Fluorite for the Avid Mineral Collector

Fluorite, known for its wide range of colors and stunning crystal formations, is a favorite among mineral collectors. Here, we explore ten varieties of fluorite from renowned localities around the world, highlighting what makes each variety desirable for a mineral collection.

1. Okorusu Mine, Namibia

The Okorusu Mine in Namibia is renowned for its vibrant, multicolored fluorite specimens. Collectors highly seek Okorusu fluorite due to its striking zoning, which can range from deep purples and blues to greens and yellows within a single crystal. The cubic crystals from this location often exhibit sharp edges and can form in clusters, making them visually appealing. Specimens from this location have become increasingly popular and highly sought after by collectors.

2. Dalnegorsk, Russia

Dalnegorsk in Russia is famous for producing fluorite with unique clarity and color. The fluorite crystals from this locality are typically colorless or light green but can sometimes exhibit shades of purple or blue. What sets Dalnegorsk fluorite apart is its remarkable, glass-like transparency and the presence of well-formed, often octahedral crystals. 

3. Fujian, China

Fluorite from Fujian Province in China is prized for its stunning blue, purple and green hues. The crystals from this area often display a glassy luster and can form in beautiful cubic or stepped octahedral shapes.  Many display a bright fluorescence. 

4. Inner Mongolia, China

Inner Mongolia is another prominent locality for fluorite, known for a wide variety of species. The crystals from this region can form in large, well-defined cubic shapes with a high degree of transparency. Etched and tessellated surfaces create a stunning visual aesthetic on these specimens. Some notable varieties from this location are the "blueberry fluorite" ( botryoidal formations in richly saturated blue tones ) and "oil painting fluorite" ( clear specimens with colorful inclusions and frosted etched surfaces ). Many exhibit a mesmerizing color zoning, transitioning from deep purple at the core to vibrant green at the edges. 

5. Hardin County, Illinois, USA

Hardin County in Illinois is renowned for its fluorite with deep, rich colors ranging from purple to yellow. The fluorite here often forms in large, cubic crystals that can reach impressive sizes. What makes Hardin County fluorite particularly desirable is the frequent presence of phantom inclusions, where earlier stages of crystal growth are visible within the larger crystal. The lustrous yellow specimens are extremely desirable among collectors and can be a challenge to find. The phantoms, and zoning combined with the vivid colors and large crystal sizes, makes Hardin County fluorite a must-have for collectors.

6. Berbes, Spain

Berbes, located in Asturias, Spain, is famous for its stunning violet and purple fluorite crystals. The fluorite from this locality is often found in beautifully formed cubes that can exhibit remarkable clarity and luster.  The combination of deep, saturated colors, sharp crystal forms, and fluorescence makes Berbes fluorite highly sought after by collectors.

7. Durham County, England

Durham County in England, particularly the Weardale region, is well-known for its high-quality fluorite specimens. The fluorite here typically comes in shades of green and purple and often forms in cubic or octahedral crystals. The intensely saturated, emerald green specimens are treasured additions for collectors. A notable characteristic of Durham fluorite is its intense fluorescence, glowing bright blue under UV light. Additionally, some specimens exhibit a unique daylight fluorescence, where the crystals can change color in natural sunlight. 

8. Huanggang Mine, China

The Huanggang Mine in Inner Mongolia, China, produces some of the most diverse and visually striking fluorite specimens. The fluorite from this locality can come in a wide range of colors, including green, blue, purple, and even pink. Crystals from Huanggang often form in complex, multi-faced shapes, including cubes, octahedrons, and dodecahedrons. The most recognizable specimens from this locations are pink octahedral crystals with byssolite inclusions. The vibrant colors and unique crystal habits, make Huanggang fluorite a highly desirable and eye-catching specimen for collectors.

9. Yaogangxian Mine, China

The Yaogangxian Mine in Hunan Province, China, is celebrated for its exquisite fluorite crystals, which often come in shades of blue, green, and purple. Some of the finest fluorites in the world come from this location. Crystals from this mine are known for their exceptional clarity and sharpness. One of the distinguishing features of Yaogangxian fluorite is the presence of intricate internal zoning and phantoms, adding depth and character to the crystals. These visually stunning features make Yaogangxian fluorite a prized specimen in any mineral collection.

10. Chamonix, France

Chamonix in the French Alps is famous for producing some of the most beautiful alpine fluorite specimens. The fluorite from this region typically comes in shades of green and pink and often forms in octahedral crystals. Chamonix fluorite is highly prized for its exceptional clarity and the presence of complex growth patterns and etchings on the crystal surfaces. The pink specimens are often intensely gemmy in quality with excellent saturation. The alpine environment contributes to the formation of these unique and intricate crystals, making Chamonix fluorite a highly sought-after addition to any collection.

Fluorite is a versatile and visually stunning mineral that offers a wide range of colors, crystal forms, and unique features. Collecting fluorite from various renowned localities around the world can enhance a collection. Each locality offers its own unique characteristics, from the vibrant color zoning of Okorusu Mine to the intricate phantoms of Yaogangxian Mine. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, these ten varieties of fluorite are sure to add excellent aesthetic appeal to your collection.

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