The Ultimate Guide to Shopping For Minerals and Crystals

The Ultimate Guide to Shopping For Minerals and Crystals

With the increase in popularity of mineral and crystal collecting over the past few years, your options are practically endless when it comes to buying a pretty or unique specimen.

But buyer beware! Many shops take advantage of eager novices who are unaware of what they may actually be purchasing. 

Here are some tips to help you find the piece of your dreams!


1. Shop Around!

The biggest mistake I see new collectors make is buying the first eye-catching piece they see without considering if they are getting the best deal.

One of the most commonly searched questions in this hobby is: "Where can I find a Crystal/Mineral/Rock Shop near me?"

If you purchase from a physical rock shop, prices will tend to be higher. The costs of running a business out of a building are considerably more than having an online shop only. More employees are hired that need to be paid a decent wage. Rent prices are high. And utilities like heating and water also come into play.  These higher costs are passed onto you, the buyer, in the form of higher prices than what you might see elsewhere. This is also particularly true if you are buying from a shop that is located in a popular tourist area. Many tourists are so mesmerized by the beautiful crystals that they are unaware of just how high a markup they will be paying.

This same markup can apply to online shopping, especially when it comes to crystal sellers on social media. Some social media sellers have a large following and attendees to their live sales, which means they have a larger reliable customer base. This may mean they have higher expenses to pay like warehouse costs to store high quantity of materials, utility bills, and more employees to host live sales that are being paid a salary. Again, these costs will be factored into the price you pay as a buyer. If a business is online only, with no physical storefront, you are more likely to see lower prices. Lower overhead costs mean that you get a better deal because the seller doesn't need to markup inventory as much in order to pay their bills and run their business.

Not all social media crystal sellers, with large followings, have high markups. This can be especially true if they are the sole owner and operator of their business and run their shop out of their home or small office space. 

However, some social media sellers who have been in business for years know that their loyal customers may not shop around. I have seen some of these large seller accounts offer the exact same item as many other shops for 10X the price!!!! But, their customers appreciate the product and service they are getting, and are either unaware that they can get the same item elsewhere for much less, or are unconcerned about the cost. If you are on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok, follow a variety of sellers and join their live sales as an observer. Note what they are selling, the quality and the cost, and compare to other shops. It certainly pays to shop around.


2.  Research! 

If there's a particular mineral or crystal that you want to add to your collection, do some internet research on it.  Is it a highly common and abundant item? Then you should expect the cost to be lower. If it is a mineral from a find/dig that resulted in a limited quantity being discovered, or if the specimens have unique properties, you are going to pay a higher price.

Not all minerals of the same species are equal. For example, Rhodochrosites from Colorado have different crystal structure and coloring than those from Peru, which differ from those sourced in Romania, and from those coming out of South Africa. Specimens from some locations are much more desirable than those from other locations because of their quality, visual aesthetic, and rarity. Therefore, again for example, expect to pay a massively higher price for some N'Chwaning Rhodochrosites compared to those from Lima.

Another important reason to research before you buy is because not all sellers have taken the time to educate themselves about what they are selling. Some were so eager to get into the business of owning a crystal shop, that they didn't take the time to find reliable sources for their items or research to know what it is they are offering their customers. For example, the blue variety of pectolite known as Larimar, only comes from one location: the Dominican Republic. To the untrained eye, this material can resemble some varieties of blue aragonite and calcite. Many overseas wholesalers will offer "Larimar" at cheap prices and an uneducated shop owner will purchase this for their shop. They will then sell it to you as the much more expensive "Larimar" when it is in fact a very low cost and abundant variety of calcite.  

If you have done your research on a material that you are interested in purchasing, you can better spot the authentic pieces and avoid getting scammed.  

*For a reference to commonly faked crystals and how to spot them, see this blog post.


3. Develop Relationships!

This is an underrated practice in crystal and mineral collecting, but so essential if you want to purchase a specific variety or species of mineral and want the best deals.

When you develop a good relationship with a dealer, they may give you better prices on their inventory than other customers. You may also be who they contact first when they acquire new material to offer you first pick.

How can you develop good relationships? Pay immediately when you buy. This builds a good reputation with the dealer as they know you are a serious and responsible customer. Doing this regularly with smaller purchases may cause a dealer to make an exception and allow you a payment plan option for much more expensive items when its not something they regularly offer as part of their business.

An incredibly helpful way to build a relationship is to support them on social media. A fair amount of mineral and crystal shops are small businesses that are run solely by themselves or with the help of a spouse/partner/family member. Being that it's not easy to run a small business in this industry with an increasingly saturated market, your support on social media can make a world of difference. Sharing their content, commenting on their posts and reels, joining their live sales...these are all things that small businesses need and rely on to grow and continue with the business that they love. Your support, in turn, can make it more likely that you are offered discounts (or bigger discounts) than they would normally offer the rest of their followers and customers. They may send you pictures and videos of new inventory first before they post it publicly, to allow you an opportunity to get your hands on the newest and best items.  You may also end up with a surprise bonus (free!) item in your package as a thank you for your support. All of these are things I do with my dedicated and loyal customers who have truly been a big support.

If there is something very specific you are looking to purchase, but a seller that you have a great relationship with doesn't sell it, they have a massive network available to them to find that piece for you. Because of the trust and friendship you have built with them, they will be on the lookout for that piece for you. They may even inquire around and negotiate a good deal in your behalf.  Truly, there are many reasons why a great relationship with mineral and crystal dealers can benefit you. 


Other Helpful Information

There are numerous other things to keep in mind to help guide you as you shop for minerals and crystals. Here are some other tips to reference:

- If you are impulsive, have an addictive personality, or have difficulty staying within a budget, it may be best to avoid live sales on social media.  The competition and urgency can often cause quick and even unintended claiming and the totals add up quickly without you realizing it. These are not accepted excuses for not being able to commit to your claims, and not paying your invoice will often result you in being banned from future live sales.

- It seems like everyone is selling crystals and minerals these days which can make it a challenge to find a reputable seller. Before purchasing, check to see what reviews the business has. A personal business website is a better indication of a businesses legitimacy as there are costs involved that a casual seller won't be interested in paying for.  Be wary on social media. There are professional and legitimate business running sales through community pages on Facebook.  But there are many more that are not legitimate, registered businesses. Rather, they are individuals who randomly sell crystals and minerals for extra cash. There can be a lack of professionalism in the way they conduct their "business". Check out "Buyer Beware" pages to see examples of crystal sellers who have scammed others, shipped products without proper packaging so they arrive damaged, take a lengthy amount of time to ship, and don't communicate with the buyer.

Legitimate businesses have to pay licensing costs, registrations, and taxes. All these other costs mean they are more inclined to take their business seriously, which, in tun, means they take their customers seriously and treat them that way.

- Check out reviews! See what others have to say about their buying experience. Reading the "About Us" section on a businesses website can often reveal much about the type of business, company or individual you are doing business with. It can give you valuable insight that can help weigh a decision if this is someone you would like to buy from.

-Join live sales on social media and pay attention to how they behave/treat their customers. I have watched live sales of other mineral and crystal businesses where those hosting had extremely unprofessional behavior; some of it being directed specifically to their audience. It is doubtful that someone who cannot be professional will be able to take care of you as a paying customer in the way you deserve.

- Purchase items from websites where several pictures of an item are shown. Better yet, look for listings that contain videos. This allows you to see all sides of the piece so that you know exactly what you will be getting.  Some sellers show a piece from only one point of view and don't disclose that there may be damage on other areas that you aren't seeing.


A lot can go into a great buying experience when shopping for crystals and minerals. If you want the nicest piece at the best price, keep these tips in mind. And with the variety of businesses and sellers out there, you are bound to find the right ones to help you build and create a collection you'll really love!



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